Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Doing my part

I believe so passionately that the future of my kids is as stake in this next election. And to be quite honest, I am more concerned about the moral decline of our country than the economic decline. I just don't see how we can possibly expect the Lord to bless our country economically if we continue to let it's family values slip away. It's kind of like buying a new tv when you can't afford your car payment and expecting the Lord to provide more money. How dare me expect the Lord to bless my family when I've been so irresponsible.

The same goes for this presidential race. As a true "conservative" how can I base my decision to support a candidate solely only on economic issues? The economy is the least of our problems. How can we expect our country to prosper without a solid foundation......the family. Our families are being torn apart a little more every day, and yet we continue to be concerned about social security and tax increases. We are so concerned about it that we are willing to allow someone to be our President based on their promises of economic success. The truth is, no matter what man or woman sits as our leader in Washington, D.C. , they are not in control of our success. But, there is One who is. And I believe He has given us an option in Mike Huckabee. Mike Huckabee is a man that would truly be an example to our country. He would fight for families and marriages.

For those whose opposition to the fair tax plan and immigration reform is keeping you from voting for Mike, shame on you. Taxes and immigration reform should not be at the top of our list of priorities when choosing a candidate. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for lower taxes. We pay our share. But, think about what we're paying for! Freedom. Faith. Families. All of which are priceless, yet we complain. Are you willing to sacrifice your stand on abortion and traditional marriage for hopefully lower taxes, birth bonds, empty promises? I'm not. That's why I'm voting for Mike Huckabee. He's unwavering on moral issues and has a record to prove it. That's good enough for me. The Fair Tax and immigration reform will just be icing on the cake. :)


Anonymous said...

I agree 100% and very eloquently expressed! I'll check back often!


JTO Editor Nathan Lee Lewis said...

Good word. We will do our part in Tennessee. I have added a link to your Blog on my tennesseeforhuckabee.blogspot.com

Brently said...

I believe you are right about your priorities. But a good number of our fellow ordinary Americans would beg to differ. A significant number of them are also fearful and/or hostile towards anyone who openly shares our priorities.

We mustn’t forget however, that this is a free country that is made up of ordinary people of little or no faith as well as people of different faiths. This is also a country that is made up of families of all types, close knit & scattered, functional & dysfunctional, coming from loving as well as broken homes. With a divorce rate around 50%, over half the country has good reason to be cynical about family values.

For every new convert to faith, how many more are “losing their religion”?

The question I have is, "How can we engage and invite them to set aside their suspicions and enthusiastically support Mike's vision for America?".

The problem with many fiscal-cons (like so many others in this country) is that they apparently care less about morality and social concerns than they do about economic concerns. Of course they’d probably disagree with us on that point, but so what? Even if their sole operating principle is based upon greed, they will be much better off under Mike’s plan for taxes and the economy. Mike Huckabee is the ultimate pragmatic choice for president.

Sean Hannity and other conservatives talk about wanting to “cut taxes” so that we can keep more of what we earn. But they’re just talking about simplifying the income tax system. For example, I believe Steve Forbes who advocates a ‘flat tax’ is working with Giuliani. Such measures would only be a small step in the right direction, we’d still have deductions taken from our checks and we’d still have to file income taxes. All their so-called fiscally “conservative” solutions are really just fiscal moderation.

Conservative policy always seeks to liberate and empower people while limiting the power and reach of gov’t into the lives of the people. It is consistent with everything the founders intended for America and with the yearnings of ordinary people today. It is as wholly inconsistent with fiscal moderation as it is incompatible to liberalism, socialism and the democratic party today.

Listen folks, fiscally moderate tax cuts regardless of their size are NOT REALLY CONSERVATIVE because while they allow us to keep a little more of what we earn, they also dramatically increase revenue for the gov’t. Because the gov’t still decides how to spend what they don’t allow us to keep, the gov’t continues to grow in size and scope while we continue to be deprived of the freedom to manage our money ourselves. If the conservative view is, it’s your money! Then why is the gov’t entitled to first dibs and control of ANY of it?

Why are real conservatives and independents fed up with big spenders in Washington from both parties? Why are president Bush’s approval numbers so low even amongst conservative republicans? The answer is fiscally moderate policies masquerading as conservatism have coddled the federal gov’t into an excessively fat, overweight, incompetent couch potato with an irresponsible, liberal habit of spending and porking out at the taxpayers expense.

The Fair Tax will eliminate income taxes. Social-cons and fiscal-cons, conservative values voters and liberal big government spenders, and everyone else, individuals and businesses alike, will all get to keep (and spend) every dollar and cent they earn. There will be no payroll deductions from your check, there will be no need to file for your income taxes ever again, and there will no longer be a need for the IRS!

The Fair Tax is the only truly fiscal conservative solution because it will single-handedly reduce the size and scope of the Federal Government by eliminating what is arguably the largest, most inefficient, unfair and abusive bureaucracy in America! In the process it will INCREASE the freedom of all Americans to spend and invest their hard earned money however they wish according to their own priorities and pursuit of happiness. That freedom will be enjoyed by ALL Americans. As I understand it, liberals will be allowed to designate portions of their checks to the gov’t if they choose to do so.

Besides the obvious economic benefits – the health and wellness of ordinary Americans will also benefit greatly from the massive reduction in stress levels associated with filing for and paying income taxes, not to mention the fear and stress related to IRS audits!

Mike Huckabee’s truly conservative plan for taxes and the economy is 2nd to none amongst the presidential candidates. It demonstrates his unique leadership ability, and is a perfect example of how his Vertical approach to policy puts people first by empowering them to be the stewards of their own resources.

In closing I would like to suggest that this approach to fiscal policy is also ultimately the most compassionate, moral approach, wholly consistent with Judeo-Christian social values. Because when you do what’s best for people you allay their suspicions and earn their trust and their respect. And you also encourage and invite their participation to give of themselves for something greater than themselves, to take part in a movement to do something good that matters. To join with ordinary Americans to preserve America as the land of the free and the home of the brave, and make this country an even better place for future generations to prosper. And that is how we all do our part!

Mr. F said...

This is very well stated and I most certainly agree. I watcched the Democratic debate last night and was impressed (strange, I know) as John Roberts continually talked about what kind of world we will leave for future generations. I agree with that kind of forward-looking stance and, among Republicans, Mike is really our only hope to carry that message to Washington.

Check out my blog as well:

Keep up the good work!!

Mr. F said...

I couldn't agree more. This is very well stated.

I watched the Dems debate last night, and to be honest, I was impressed only with one thing I heard over and over from John Edwards out of everything said all night. Edwards talked continually about what kind of world we will leave our kids and if the country will be better off for future generations. Among conservatives, the only person to carry a similar message successfully is Governor Huckabee. Of the top 5, he is only one who can genuinely engage the country in such a direction, and I pray he will continue to do so with our support.

Check out my blog as time permits:

Keep up the good work!

Dave Miller said...

Regarding "families being torn apart", here is some data that shows this is the top concern among young people in California in this survey: CALIFORNIA DREAMERS: A PUBLIC OPINION PORTRAIT OF THE MOST DIVERSE GENERATION THE NATION HAS KNOWN

For example here are their answers to the question "What do you consider the most pressing issue facing your generation in the world today?"
1. Family breakdown (24%)
2. Violence in neighborhoods and communities (22%)
3. Poverty (17%)
4. Global warming (14%)
5. Anti-immigrant sentiment (7%)
6. War & violence throughout the world (3%)
7. Gov't issues and manipulation (1%)
8. Drugs (1%)
9. Environment issues in general (1%)
10. Economic issues (1%)
11. Racism/Discrimination (1%)
12. Something else (6%)

Christian said...

Awesome post!
One thing we forget is that one of the primary causes of divorce and other family strife is financial issues. That's the stress causer. (I know from personal experience) I would argue that by creating a strong and vibrant economy by doing things the government can do (like pass the FairTax) then that makes it easier for families to thrive. And the government can't mandate a "happy, loving, marriage". If only it were so easy!