Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Grassroots campaign ideas.....

I've been brainstorming the last few days. What's something I can do at the local level to help out? Here are some ideas I came up with:

1. Print "Huckabee for President" stickers/labels to put on your Halloween candy. The kids will get the candy, and the parents will get the message. :)

2. Use the same labels to put on all of your outgoing mail. Not only will the recipient see the ad, but every person that handles that piece of mail on it's way.

3. If you can afford to, purchase a bunch of bumper stickers and signs to give away to people you know who will be voting for Mike. I've found that a lot of people don't know where to get these items but would gladly display them. It's also much cheaper to purchase these items in large quantities.

4. Have some t-shirts made. I recently had 24 "Runners for Huckabee" t-shirts made for about $144. I've been selling them for $6 which covers the cost only. The only thing I'm out is my time but there are now runners all over the country wearing these shirts.

5. Attend a festival, 5k race, or some other event in your area and hand out free bottled water with "Huckabee for President" labels on them. A case of 24 bottles costs approx. $6 (in Arkansas). Labels are extremely cheap. For about $75 you could reach 240 potential voters!

I'd love to hear your ideas. Please write and share!


Anonymous said...

I made Huckabee flyers and started putting them on cars. I stopped handing them out though because I got caught by security and they told me to stop. I did manage to get a few hundred out there in Michigan though.


Anonymous said...

Great ideas! Keep up the good work. It's guys like you that will make this dream become a reality.