Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What can we do?

I have a feeling there are many people in our state that want to know "what can we do to help"? Chances are very slim that Mike Huckabee won't carry his home state, but to take that for granted is dangerous. It's vital that we work just as hard in Arkansas as the team is working in Iowa, New Hampshire, etc.
I personally know many people just in my circle that love Governor Huckabee, but they aren't vocal about it. They'll cast their ballot, but more than likely they'll never put a sign in their yard, a bumper sticker on their car, or donate money. Why is that? Because they are just assuming that Mike doesn't need grassroots efforts here. He's got it in the bag in Arkansas, some might say. The truth is that we simply won't know until election day. I would love to see our state going overboard with grassroots campaigning. The rest of the country will take notice and they will know that we truly do "Like Mike".
If you are willing to help me get something started, let me know. Let's get to work Arkansans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog - I think it's going to be very effective. It's so important to win your own state - it shows that you and your word agree. I'm not from Arkansas but would like to visit there someday! :)