Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I know everyone is "gave" out after yesterday, so I appreciate those that are willing to help with this. :)
I would like to have a banner flown over the Clemson/USC game in South Carolina on Saturday. Governor Huckabee will be at a tailgate party previous to the game and I think it would be an awesome encouragement and surprise to him!
In talking with three different aerial advertising companies, only 1 would be able to do it. I talked to them on the phone after I received the following email. They need to know something ASAP as there are "other candidates" wanting to fly over as well. I need to give them a definitive answer within the next few hours.

Here's the email I received form that company:

Hi Andrea,Good morning. We have you confirmed now. This is a popular game and we now need to bring in another aircraft from the Atlanta area to accommodate you. The cost for two hrs (minimum) will be $1,050 (inclusive of your banner production) and a $500 roundtrip ferry fee for movement of equipment, banner, and personnel. So your total would be $1,550 net.

Please let me know immediately if you would like to proceed and we can then take care of the paperwork and get you scheduled.


So far I have $285 pledged. That leaves $1265. We can have a maximum of 45 characters on the sign. We need 45 people "purchase" a letter for $28/each.
I'm posting this on my blog and the main site. Please PM or email me if you'd like to help or if you have any suggestions. Thanks y'all!
You can send donations to me or directly to the company via phone or PayPal.

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