Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Time to bring out the stones and a sling!

I have a feeling that tonight's debate is going to be unlike any we've seen thus far. Mike will be on stage with five smooth stones in his right pocket and a slingshot in his left. Those stones are called Immigration, Fair Tax, Faith, Iraq and Education. Mike will carefully withdraw each stone and fire it when the time is right. The opposition will wobble from the blow until they eventually fall on their faces, leaving Mike as the last man standing.
Just as David defeated Goliath, so will Mike Huckabee defeat the political giant that is standing in his way. Fervently pray for Governor Huckabee tonight and especially in the coming months. Goliath won't give up without a fight.


Anonymous said...

I like the David/Goliath imagery - you really know how to stretch a metaphor! Here's a vote on confidence for Huckabee. I think he'll be the big winner tonight.

Jason Tolbert said...

hope he uses the Fair Tax stone instead of getting involved in a long detailed discussion of his Arkansas tax record. We know the real story here is Arkansas but people get lost in the details when the discussion goes that way. If he just quickly answers the past part and then moves on to FairTax, then there is no way anyone can say he is liberal on taxes.

By the way, I got my shirt and I love it! I am planning to run the Jingle Bell 5k in LR this Saturday in it.

Mr. F said...

First of all, thanks for the link to my blog, Then It Hit Me, on your blog. It is much appreciated.

Second, this is a good post. After tonight's debate, Mike has nowhere to go but up. Lets make this happen!

Anonymous said...

I like the title of your blog post, it seemed very appropriate.