Friday, November 2, 2007

Worth a thousand words

Does this scare the bejeebers out of anybody else? Obviously we don't know what was truly taking place in this picture. But, I think the fact that Obama is the only one without his hand over his heart says enough. Whether it was the National Anthem or Pledge of Allegiance Obama wasn't participating. If you take this photo and add it to the lapel pin thing, you get one unpatriotic Presidential candidate.
Another question....what's Bill Richardson looking at?


Anonymous said...

Give me a break! Since when does holding your hand over your during the national anthem equal patriotism? Go to any football game or other large attendance event where the anthem is played and the vast majority of Americans don't have their hands on their hearts.

In today's world, I can't believe people think a decision on who to vote for should be based on lapel pins and hand positions.

Anonymous said...

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. There are many people that feel the same way you do. That's fine.
I don't know about you, but I get choked up every time I hear the national anthem. It concerns me when I see someone so passive about the anthem or pledge and what they stand for.

JTO Editor Nathan Lee Lewis said...

I am afraid Krista is a classic example of the liberal breeding of a new generation. Yes Krista, It is unpatriotic. Since When? Since the founding of our nation. Will Obama refuse to put his hand on the Bible at his swearing in? Unfortunately you seem to have been the subject of revisionist history and the "me generation". There is something greater than ourselves and something to which we should show respect and pay homage. God-family-country. I notice you seem to be a loving wife and parent. Patriotism will preserve your freedom to continue the pursuit of both of those objectives. I suggest you travel more and see the killing grounds of countless millions whose patriots were overrun by ideology that was birth in statements such as yours.